What are Security Tokens? – An Overview of STO

3 min read

If you are somewhat familiar with the world of blockchain, you might have noticed in the last few months a great number of conversations turning towards tokenization and STOs. No wonder! Last year’s ICO model proved to be an epic fail, with 81% of projects declared to be scams. However, there is one thing ICOs did manage very well: open the eyes of people to the possibility of innovative investment models. STOs have been growing in popularity around the globe, and bring promises of a bright future rich in tokenized assets. What are security tokens? Securities are financial representations of…...

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Bingran Lu With an academic and professional background in the field of Finance and IT, Bingran has a deep appreciation for data-driven decision making. He is a fan of all things data related. Currently building his dream tool to help everyday people make smart investment decisions.

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